Islam und christlicher Glaube
Islam and Christianity

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Islam and Christianity Nr. 1/2019 (19. Jg.)

Biblical and Qurʾānic Passages of Violence in Context


  • Editorial
  • God and Violence in the Hebrew Bible – Introductory Considerations on the Book of Deuteronomy (Heiko Wenzel)
  • „Sword-Verse“ in Context – Muslim Approaches to Texts of the Qurʾān which Legitimize Violence (Carsten Polanz)
  • Book reviews
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Islam and Christianity Nr. 2/2018 (18. Jg.)

Cover IFI-JournalAuthentic Dialogue in Restless Times – Common Ground and Divergences between Christians and Muslims


  • Editorial
  • Innovative Qurʾān Hermeneutics as the Key to Interaction with Islam (Hanna Josua)
  • Navid Kermani: Approaches of a Muslim Intellectual to the Christian Message (Reinhold Strähler)
  • Book review
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Islam and Christianity Nr. 1/2018 (18. Jg.)

Cover IFI-JournalThe Process of Conversion and the Freedom to Convert


  • Editorial
  • Conversion – a Fascinating Phenomenon (Reinhold Strähler)
  • Freedom to change one’s religion as the acid test of religious freedom (Heiner Bielefeldt)
  • Book review
PDF-Download: Islam und christlicher Glaube / Islam and Christianity

Islam and Christianity Nr. 2/2017 (17. Jg.)

Cover IFI-JournalIslam and Reformation (Part 2)


  • Editorial
  • Martin Luther’s “(through) Faith alone” (sola fide) and the Issue of Good Works (Thomas Jeising)
  • The Essence of Faith and the Role of Good Works in the Qur’an (Carsten Polanz)
  • Book review
PDF-Download: Islam und christlicher Glaube / Islam and Christianity

Islam and Christianity Nr. 1/2017 (17. Jg.)

Cover IFI-JournalIslam and Reformation (Part 1)


  • Editorial
  • Does Islam need Reformation or Enlightenment? The response of two German Muslims to Islam’s identity crisis (Carsten Polanz)
  • Martin Luther and Islam (Athina Lexutt)
  • Book review
PDF-Download: Islam und christlicher Glaube / Islam and Christianity

Islam and Christianity Nr. 2/2016 (16. Jg.)

Cover IFI-JournalSame Words – Same Meanings?
Islam as Theological Challenge (Part 2)


  • Editorial
  • Islam as Theological Challenge (Part 2) – The relationship between narrative and commandment in the Bible and the Qurʾān (Heiko Wenzel)
  • The Language of Love in Qur’ān and Gospel (Part 2) – Reflections of Muslims Scholars on the Qur’ānic Material (Gordon Nickel)
  • Book review
PDF-Download: Islam und christlicher Glaube / Islam and Christianity

Islam and Christianity Nr. 1/2016 (16. Jg.)

Cover IslamSame Words – Same Meanings?
Islam as Theological Challenge


  • Editorial
  • Islam as Theological Challenge (Part 1) – On Jesus Christ’s Relationship
    to the Hebrew Bible in the New Testament and in the Qur’ān (Heiko Wenzel)
  • The Language of Love in Qur’ān and Gospel (Part 1) (Gordon Nickel)
  • Book review
PDF-Download: Islam und christlicher Glaube / Islam and Christianity