
“Divine Grace” in the Bible and in the Qur’an

The biblical concept of “grace” has many meanings which are hardly understood any longer outside of the Church. The term has been divested of its senses in modern English, and its modernday usage does not cover the multifaceted meanings of the biblical term. However, grace is a fundamental biblical concept which distinguishes the Christian faith from all other religions.Is the Qur’an and Islam familiar with the concept God’s “grace” at all? What are the similarities and differences between the Bible and the Qur’an? What points of contact can be used to convey the biblical message to Muslims?

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“Love” in the Bible and the Qur’an

(Deutsch) Zum Vergleich des in Bibel und Koran vermittelten Gottesbildes ist das Attribut der „Liebe” Gottes, das in der Bibel von zentraler Bedeutung ist, ein guter Ansatzpunkt.

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(Deutsch) Rezension: Im Namen Allahs? Christenverfolgung im Islam

(Deutsch) Aachen/Freiburg (epd). In der Islamischen Welt findet laut der Aachener Islamwissenschaftlerin
Rita Breuer eine „Reislamisierung“ statt. Darunterleiden vor allem Christen. Sie brauchen ihrer
Ansicht nach von der westlichen Welt noch mehr Unterstützung als bisher.

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The Christian Doctrine of God in the East from the Beginnings of Islam to the Present

This volume gathers papers presented at the symposium on the Christian Doctrine of God in the Mashriq held at the graduate school of the George August University of Göttingen under the title “Images of God, Gods and the World.” With it Martin Tamcke, expert in Eastern Church studies and History at the University, has broken fresh ground for “a theological history of the diverse traditions of the Christian Orient” (p. VIII).

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My God is Now Allah and I Gladly Follow His Laws

Cornelia Filter studied German literature and history. She worked for various newspapers and magazines, such as Die Zeit, Frankfurter Rundschau, Brigitte, and above all Emma. Today, she is a public relations consultant for SOLWODI, an organization that is active on behalf of foreign-born girls in Germany, who have fallen victim to forced prostitution, arranged marriages and domestic violence.

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The Koran. Arabic-German. Translation and commentary by Adel Theodor Khoury

The text of this further German-Arabic version of the Koran is based on the 1987 translation of the well-known Professor emeritus of Religious Science at the Roman Catholic theological faculty of the University of Münster (Westphalia), T. A. Khoury, published in association with leading Muslim theologians including the General Secretary of the Muslim World Congress.

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(Deutsch) Rezension: The Islamist: Why I joined radical Islam in Britain, what I saw inside and why I left

Mohamed M. Husain’s book is a protest against political Islam. It is based on his own experience as a British Muslim of Indian descent who grew up in London, rebelled against the traditional Islam of his parents and became an extremist. He eventually saw the error of his concepts and activities. The book is captivating and extremely timely. Why are young educated British Muslims becoming extremists?

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